Good Day,
Hope you doing well. I have implement auth0 in my application, and I want to know that is it the best best approach. My use cases were **
*** Login using email password
*** Social login using google and Facebook**
*** Sign up using email. User will enter email and check if it exists then takes you password setup page**
*** Forget password flow is user enter email then an otp will be send to email will confirm otp and takes to reset password page **
**Now everything I am handling on frontend **
Problem is I have created 3 applications hand all use cases reasons behind is
1. Initially i create SPA because i was working on react app but when i try to send otp on email it does not support that.
2. For that i have created a another application which is regular application which support email part. But both does not support user existence in db and and password update.
**3. For that reason i have created management application. **
**Now i think thats not a right approach. Can you please suggest me proper solution which will help me to full fill all use cases. I have subscribed account too. **
knowing all this need your assistance how can i use Auth0 in proper way i can move my code to backend too as now i am doing everything on frontend. Just need proper guidance, as i have to use auth0 access token for accessing my APIs too. Really appreciate your answer.