Only Tenant "Admin" can edit "Organizations"

Feature: Tenant Role as “Editor - Organizations”

Description: In Auth0 Settings → Tenant Members
There is a list of Roles (Admin, Editor - Specific Apps, Editor - Users, etc…)

There is no such Tenant Role as “Editor - Organizations”. Therefore as an Admin, I must give the “Admin” Role to the Tenant to allow them to edit “Organizations”, like inviting members to “Organizations”.

Use-case: This is an issue. I don’t want to give “Admin” to Tenants, but they need to manage the Organizations.

Hi @jubba.smail,

Thanks for the feedback request! Also, Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

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Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. We’re currently working on this and will release something later this year.




Hi all, a new Manage Dashboard Role was introduced to support this.

You can learn about it here: Auth0 Changelog

Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming :smiley:

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