OIDC compliant SSO not working for me

I have been trying to implement OIDC-compliant SSO between 2 client applications and it just won’t work.

  • CLIENT 1: NodeJS web app
  • CLIENT 2: Angular2 SPA

Each client application has its own corresponding Auth0 Client configuration and is configured to be OIDC Conformant from the dashboard. The API has a corresponding Auth0 API configuration. Both client applications use the Auth0 Hosted Login Page to perform authentication.

The problem is that when I log in to Client 1 and then I navigate over to Client 2 and login, Client 2 goes through the full authentication flow. It is as if it knows nothing about the fact that I just logged in to Client 1 with the same user account.

I’ve been troubleshooting this for a few days. This is not a matter of me using the Google or FB development keys. I have my own custom application IDs for both.

For Client 1, I’m using the node auth 2.7 package and the auth0-oidc passport strategy. The authentication code looks like this.

    passport.authenticate('auth0-oidc', {
        clientID: auth0Config.clientId,
        domain: auth0Config.domain,
        redirectUri: auth0Config.redirectUrl,
        audience: auth0Config.audience,
        responseType: 'code',
        scope: 'openid'
    function(req, res) {

For Client 2, I’m using auth-js 8.8.

  auth0 = new Auth0.WebAuth({


Is there anything obvious about my approach that is causing my SSO failure?

In my troubleshooting, I have also tried using renewAuth() from Client 2

  silentLogin() {
    let options = {
      responseType: 'token id_token',
      redirectUri: AUTH_CONFIG.REDIRECT,
      audience: AUTH_CONFIG.AUDIENCE,
      scope: AUTH_CONFIG.SCOPE,
      usePostMessage: true

    this.auth0.renewAuth(options, this._handleAuth);

and SSO still fails with an error,

  error: "login_required",
  errorDescription:  "Login Required"

Does this provide any additional insight?

I do have a redirect rule. Could that be a source of interference?

You seem to have covered all your bases, but just confirming, have you enabled the Use Auth0 instead of the IdP to do Single Sign On in the client settings?