November Community News

With the cold, chill of Winter upon us (in the Northern Hemisphere - Summer in the Southern), it’s time to look back at November!

Hacktoberfest has come to an end!

What started out as a desire to drive awareness and participation in Auth0 open source repos finished strongly with an amazing Hacktoberfest in October. The final stats were 320 pull-requests (PRs), which is fantastic and blew our minds! It was such a huge response that we’re still digging out from under them and reviewing as fast as we can. If you haven’t received information about receiving your t-shirt for your accepted PR, we’ll be getting those out as quickly as we can!

Show Your Auth0 picking up steam

The Show Your Auth0 section is a great place to share with the community how you’re using Auth0, and we like to highlight the latest additions:

Make sure to share what you’re working on, and who knows? There might be some swag in it for you!

Another way to share

If you missed the tweet we sent out, we’ve partnered with StackShare (the dev community site) for their new product launch - Stack Decision! It’s a new way for developers to talk about their tech stack. As part of this, we’d love for you to help rep Auth0 by hopping in to write a few sentences about why you chose to use us and how you’re using us in your stack! :point_right: Log In / Sign Up | StackShare | StackShare

Top Articles on Auth0 for November

And that’s it for November! Thanks for all of your contributions to the Auth0 Community!