Notification is Not Sent when the Account is Blocked


This article explains a specific use case in which users do not receive the notifications even though the “Send notifications to affected users” option is turned on in Brute-force Protection settings for the blocked users.

The blocked user is from a database connection, and the email, username, and phone number are enabled as identifiers.

The user is blocked while logging in with an email receiving the account blocked notification; however, the users logging in with their usernames and blocked due to incorrect passwords do not receive the notification.

Applies To

  • Notifications
  • Blocked Accounts


The usernames were numeric, causing Auth0 to attempt sending the notification through SMS instead of E-mail.


The issue can be resolved in three alternative ways:

  1. The usernames should be updated to alphanumeric values
  2. Phone Number attribute should be deleted from the connection
  3. Phone Number attribute should be disabled as an Identifier.