NotAllowedError - "This request has been cancelled by the user."

Hi, does anyone know what this error means? User complaining they are unable to login, logs show this error which I’ve not seen before.

“action”: “showError::{"name":"NotAllowedError","message":"This request has been cancelled by the user.","stack":""}”

“error”: {
“message”: “Internal error”,
“oauthError”: “Internal error”,
“type”: “server_error”,
“uri”: null

Hi @rodri,

Thanks for reaching out to the Auth0 Community!

Unfortunately, I have not encountered this error before either. However, the error log you shared indicates an issue with the internal server you are reaching, resulting in an HTTP 500 status code.

In this scenario, I recommend capturing the user’s login events in a HAR file and creating a support ticket with it attached. One of our developer support engineers will be able to assist you further in troubleshooting this issue.

Please refer to our How to Sanitize a HTTP Trace File Automatically before sending the HAR file.


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