I’ve received the “Action Required: Auth0 Extensibility - Node 8 Migration” warning to migrate but need some way to identify what exactly is triggering the notifications and so needs to be fixed.
While the email provides a little more info than the notification in the portal (why?) and says which tenants are involved, as far as I am concerned I have no “Rules, Hooks, Custom DB scripts, and Custom Social Connection scripts”. I do have a custom hosted page but AFAIK there is no way to specify the node version.
also the tenants listed do no agree with those I see when trying to switch tenents. The names are slightly different and one is not there at all (I think I deleted it ).
@Steve_Lee I am not sure I can help with the mismatching tenant names, but maybe I can offer so thought on the reason why you are getting the email.
Each tenant has a setting a where you can select Node 4
or Node 8
. By default your tenants are configured with Node 4. I believe, even if you do not have a rule, hook, or custom database setup having the tenant configured for Node 4 may be enough to trigger the alert. If you go to here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/tenant/advanced and then scroll down to Extensibility
you can select Node 8 from the drop down and save. doing this for each tenant will be enough to stop those alerts.
That aside I think someone may have to chat with you directly to understand the tenant naming situation.
@jerdog do you think you can help out with the tenant name issue?
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@sgmeyer - aha yes it was set to node 4 (depreciated). If the notification said look there then I completely missed it. I changed it
I delete my other tenents as they are no longer needed so no need to respond
It seems the tenent name remains reserved (shame) and that might be why the email listed one that I could not see in my dashboard (needed a WHERE clause?)
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@steve_lee awesome feedback. I’ll let the notifications team know that we are sending messages out to admins of deleted tenants.
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