Node 18 database scripts take too long. Webtask exceeded allowed execution time

Hello everyone

I have a custom Mongodb database which i enabled various scripts (took me a while to understand i had to set the right template for every type before i could test one)

Problem is that when i try the script using Node 18 it takes too long and it times out, while if i try the same script using Node 16 it connects successfully.

I also have allowed from mongodb.

I have been looking for a way to downgrade to Node 16 but i can’t find the option.

Any help greatly appreciated

Hi @daniel.d,

Thank you for posting! Welcome to the Auth0 Community.

Node18 Environment and MongoDB Do Not Work from our knowledge base articles seems to cover the solution you’re after.

Hope it helps!


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Hello thanks for the quick reply!

Im rewriting the scripts as per suggestion and it is working now! thanks!

Templates should be updated tho!

Thanks again
Have a great week

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