Webtask exceeded allowed execution time when trying to connect to to mongodb

Hi there im trying to test a create user action with a custom mongodb and im running into this timeout, just like described in this previous post : "Request to Webtask exceeded allowed execution time" when trying to connecto to MongoDB

I enabled connect from anywhere via the mongodb dashboard but i am still getting the timeout error, I also added the ip addresses from the dashboard as per this pic.

I also tried with both
const MongoClient = require(‘mongodb@5.7.0’).MongoClient; and
const MongoClient = require(‘mongodb@5.1.0’).MongoClient;
as im using Node 18. I also trid just Mongodb with no @ too.

I used the real time web task logs extension but nothing useful appears there just like in the other topic thread and if i search the logs for type:f i dont see anything. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated as the previous thread i found didnt contain any replies from the author. Thanks!

Is should mention I followed this guide when setting things up: Connecting Auth0 to MongoDB with Custom Databases

Hey in case anyone else gets stuck on this I changed node to 16 instead of 18 and then the @mongo4.1.0 and its working now. Im just curious if anyone has gotten it working when using Node 18 at all? Good luck everyone

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