SandboxTimeoutError in custom mongo database

Hello, I went through all possible forum posts with the same issue of: SandboxTimeoutError: Request to Webtask exceeded allowed execution time. And still no help.

  • My Nodejs tenant is set to: Node version 18
  • I tried changing MongoDB driver from 3.1.0 to 4.1.0 to 5.7.0 and even used the require('mongodb').Mongoclient without a version
  • I tried removing the code and putting there “console.log(“hello”);” and looking into the Realtime logs and nothing there.
  • I tried putting the password into encrypted configuration and using that
  • I tried using the password in the string.
  • I created the database with name “db-name” and created the “users” collection.
  • I followed the blog post tutorial to the point.

This is the configuration for create user script:

function create(user, callback) {
  const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
  const MongoClient = require('mongodb@5.7.0').MongoClient;
  const client = new MongoClient('mongodb+srv://<username>:' + configuration.MONGO_PASSWORD + '@<url>');

  client.connect(function (err) {
    if (err) return callback(err);

    const db = client.db('db-name');
    const users = db.collection('users');

    users.findOne({ email: }, function (err, withSameMail) {
      if (err || withSameMail) {
        return callback(err || new Error('the user already exists'));

      bcrypt.hash(user.password, 10, function (err, hash) {
        if (err) {
          return callback(err);

        user.password = hash;
        users.insert(user, function (err, inserted) {

          if (err) return callback(err);

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, I had the same issue, you need to change your runtime from 18 to 16 and in your script change

 const MongoClient = require('mongodb@5.7.0').MongoClient;


 const MongoClient = require('mongodb@4.1.0').MongoClient;

See my post in another thread. The fix is to use Promises instead of callbacks for MongoDB calls starting with Node 18 and Mongo 5.x
I can confirm this works and fixes the problem. I’m able to use latest Mongo 5.x client and Node 18.](Connecting Auth0 to MongoDB - #29 by dmitry)