No-Code Actions Integrations now available in the Auth0 Marketplace

We are excited to announce that Actions Integrations are now available in beta through the Auth0 Marketplace. These no-code integrations solve common extensibility use cases and are built and maintained by our Marketplace partners. This means less custom code to build, maintain and update when extending core identity.

Current Actions Integrations cover the most common extensibility use cases covered by Rules and Hooks today, these include:

  • IID DataWeb Verification: Real time and self service global identity verification
  • Eva Voice BioMetrics: Second-factor voice biometric
  • Arengu Policy Acceptance: Require your users to accept custom privacy policies or new terms
  • Aregengu Progressive Profiling: Capture new users’ information in your authentication flows
  • Scaled Access: Delegated user access management
  • One Trust: Consent and user preferences management
  • Incognia: mobile identity proofing with address verification
  • Incognia: Authentication: Mobile login location behavioral biometrics
  • SecZetta: Real-time, risk-based authentication
  • Yoonik: Second-factor facial biometric

All customers can enable the Beta integrations in the Auth0 Marketplace and in Actions in the Auth0 Dashboard. As with any Beta version, it is not recommended for use in Production applications. The beta period will run for a limited period of time. General Availability will come later this year.

We welcome your feedback and reports on any issues you encounter when trying out the beta version.