No auth/token endpoint in network request after login

Hello Im new in Auth0, I integrated auth0 with my react app,
in the network requests in dev tools in the browser, the /token endpoint is not not even launched after login, there is nothing in network? is there a specific thing to add in configuration or in my settings in Auth0 account ?

Hi there @oumaimajbeli760 welcome to the community!

It’s hard to know what the exact issue could be as there are a lot of moving parts - In order to simplify, I’d recommend checking out our quickstart and related sample app to start. Once you are able to get the sample app up and running keyed to your environment, it may be easier to compare and contrast against your own app.

Keep us posted!

Hello , thank you ,i tried with the sample app the response of post auth/token was
error: “access_denied”
error_description: “Unauthorized”

the main difference i saw between sample app and my app is that i didnt define the audience , which was not in the documentation white integrate auth0 with your own react app

No problem, I’m happy to help where I can! Where exactly does this error surface? Are you able to start the app successfully?

i handled the problem of unauthorized , the application type must not be machine to machine i think , my problem now that i tried with sample app the enpoint /auth/token is there in request network so i can get access token and id token while i had the same onfiguration files integrated in my own react app but no endpoint /auth/token in the requerst netwok

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That’s great I’m glad to hear you were able to resolve the unauthorized error - You’re correct in that if there is any user involved in the flow then the application will not be of type M2M.

I’m not sure I understand the issue you’re describing, were you able to get this sorted?