Do you think we can get a section for talking about the wp-auth0 plugin? Having that a bit more centralized would be great.
In regards to Auth0 and WordPress support, there are two good documentation articles about wp-auth0 in the docs here Login by Auth0 WordPress Plugin and here Configure Login by Auth0 but no official sections. They are just floating articles that you have to search for.
On the community forums it seems like there are some unofficial tags that users have created, but they are not uniform. There is either ‘wordpress’, ‘wordpress-auth0’, ‘wordpress-autho0’, ‘wordpress-login-with’ as searchable tags but some are misspelled. Again nothing centralized.
… I was introduced to Auth0 from using the free wp-auth0 plugin and have since become a paid user. It has taken me a while to read through all the dispersed documentation to figure out how this plugin fits into the Management APIs and SDKs. Overall its a bit confusing on what functions the wp-auth0 plugin handles behind the scenes. I feel like there are potentially more users out there like me who could benefit from a more centralized support section for WordPress.