Need to close and fully delete my account

i viewed some other similar posts to this and have already deleted my tenant.

the reason i want to close my account is because i accidentally created this account when i was checking why i had a saved password for the website, after checking the site out after accidental account creation i noticed i dont really use any of these services and would like my auth0 account deleted along side with this community account
if any mods/support can do this i will be very grateful for the help (sorry for bad grammar or any bad spelling :C)

Hello @anon87027208,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

We’re sorry to hear that you wish to delete your account with Auth0, hopefully your experience so far has been positive!
I will need to refer you to our Knowledge Article which outlines the process of deleting your Auth0 and Auth0 Community accounts.

Have a great one and take care :wave: !

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