Need help with 'Get email address from Twitter' rule

I’m using the Auth0 plugin for Bubble ( which works great as is but when I added the ’ Get email address from Twitter’ rule to my account (and specify my API key and secret in the code snippet), I start getting this error: Error retrieving email from twitter: [object Object].

I tried all the other suggestions so hoping someone who dealt with this recently can help?

Hey there!

Maybe someone from our community will be able to help as we cannot share any advice as the plugin is not maintained by us. Thanks!

Hi @konrad.sopala - do you know who manages the plugin? Would love to reach out to them directly. I thought it’s you guys.

Unfortunately not. I tried doing a bit of research but wasn’t able to find who maintains that

Did you ever get this resolved? We’re having the same issue.

We have the get email address permission already enabled in the Twitter developer portal, and we have the additional “Get email from Twitter” rule enabled inside Auth0, but still not getting the email address successfully.