Need help resetting MFA for a dashboard admin

Hi there- One of the dashboard admins on my Auth0 tenant incorrectly set up their MFA and thus lost access to their account. I tried to reset it as another dashboard admin but am unable to. The docs and other forum posts told me I’d need to open a support ticket but I do not have access to the support center, so I am posting here. Could someone help me reset the MFA on their account?

Sorry to create an entire public thread for this- if there was a better way to get this solved please let me know.

Hi @carolyn , welcome to the Auth0 community!

This way is perfectly fine. For users that don’t have access to the support center and are requesting the MFA reset for a tenant admin, we create a case on their behalf without asking any additional details here.
Your community account’s email will be used as a contact info for the support agent to proceed with the request.

I am creating a support ticket, thank you for posting!


Hey there @carolyn - just to confirm, the support ticket has been created and you will be contacted soon by a support agent.

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@support I’m having this same issue. Will you please create a case for me? Thank you!

I’m having this same issue. Will you please create a case for me? Thank you!

Hey @cheese , just saw your message! For visibility reasons in the future it would be better to create a new topic as these types of request never ends :slight_smile:

To confirm - I already created a support ticket on your behalf and it will be taken further with the support agent.

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