Using auth0-guardian.js in my angular single page application works fine besides throwing an “no enroll methods” error. I activated Multi-Factor-Auth by navigation to the menu item in the dashboard, leaving Push and SMS unchecked switching to Google Authenticator enabling it. How could I enroll manually? Why is there an no enroll methods error?
I edited the login rule to
function (user, context, callback) {
// Uncomment the following to skip MFA when impersonating a user
// if (user.impersonated) { return callback(null, user, context); }
var CLIENTS_WITH_MFA = '***'];
// run only for the specified clients
if (CLIENTS_WITH_MFA.indexOf(context.clientID) !== -1) {
// request a second factor only from users that have app_metadata.use_mfa === true
if (user.app_metadata && user.app_metadata.use_mfa){
context.multifactor = {
provider: 'google-authenticator',
// optional
issuer: 'pages',
// optional, defaults to true. Set to false to force Google Authenticator every time.
// See for details
allowRememberBrowser: false
callback(null, user, context);