Logs to Logstash Fail

Hi, I am trying to set up Logstash for logs but each log export fails with e.g.

checkpoint: 90020200729141716280000757738638214755286894288805298194
start: 2020-07-31T11:37:01.494Z
end: null
logsProcessed: 0
error: [{"error":{"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8080},"status":500},"Skipping logs from null to 90020200729141716280000757738638214755286894288805298194 after 5 retries."]

My logstash conf files looks like this

input {
  http {
    type => auth0
    port => 8080


filter {
  mutate {
    rename => {
       "_id" => "log_id"

output {
  stdout {}

I have ran curl commands for, they work and I can see them appear in logstash. This url is the same as the LOGSTASH_URL I set up in Auth0, with index=“Auth0” and no other changes to default settings. Any reasons why the connection might not be working?


Good morning,

Is this a first time set up or was it running previously?

Extensions use our webtask platform and since they’re limited to running 30 seconds at a time, this can cause timeouts. We realize this can be an issue and it’s part of the reason we developed the new log streaming functionality (Log Streams).

If the uploads take too long the job will be killed and I think that would cause those socket hangups/timeouts.

A possible workaround might be to reduce the batch size and increase the run frequency in the extension’s configuration.

If you continue to experience issues, I recommend un-installing the extension, regenerating a LOGSTASH_TOKEN, reinstalling and re-configuring the extension. In addition, I would recommend try changing the configuration to port to 443 and let’s see if it helps to resolve the issue.
