loginSocial for Google isn't working

@ashish had couple questions for @kamlesh.jswal in that topic.

So I will answer this questions too.

The questions are:

  • Are you seeing facebook login screen or not?
  • is there any error that you get?
  • Is the facebook connection properly setup? Does the Try connection button work for you in Auth0 dashboard?
  1. In my situation is Google so yep, I can see google sign form in application and after successful login, it returns token in func sign(_ signIn: GIDSignIn!, didSignInFor user: GIDGoogleUser!, withError error: Error!) delegate method. So this step is 100% successful.
  2. I have Not Found error in the failure block. (case .failure)
  3. Google connection is properly set and working fine. “Try connection” button working as well and webAuth also working well. The problem only with loginSocial.