Login page fails to load but displays "Successful Login" in the logs


I am brand new to using Auth0 so I am probably missing something obvious. I did make sure to follow through the application tutorial as thoroughly as I could, I added callback, and logout uris. It’s currently been around 4 hours since I started debugging this issue if you guys need something to laugh at.

I have been working on my database and using a sample android application to test it. When I select the “Authenticate” button, it opens the browser and stops on “mydomain.us.auth0.com/authorize” (domain hidden) with the extra scopes. It seems like the login page only works once in a blue moon.

I am using an Oculus Quest 2 device which does use the Android operating system. I am lead to assume its the device since when testing on an emulator it seems to work normally. The device has its own browser which is likely the issue.

Would anyone be able to explain this?
