Logging or tracing retried requests made to management API

We are using auth0 java sdk to access the management API. Sometimes we have reached the rate limit, and the retry interceptor has done its job and retried the request.

My doubt here is: is there any way to log these retries/retry count, so that we can be aware of being close to our retry limit? we are using new relic for observability and there’s also only 1 span created for each request (even if it gets retried) and it does not contain the retry count.

Am I missing something or is this something that could be requested to be added to the sdk?

Hi @pedro.silva

Welcome to the Auth0 Community and thank you for your post!

From my findings after checking on the Auth0 Java SDK, unfortunately this does not currently provide a built-in method to log or count the retry counts, so at the moment the only way of keeping track on the server-side of the number of these retries would be creating a custom logic depending on the number of 429 responses received. Details about this rate limits can be found under this Knowledge Article.

Of course monitoring this type of “429” responses in the logs is still a way visualizing when the rate limits were reached, but tracking them in a single span makes this a lot harder. Constructing all this logic behind the scenes could be quite a hassle, so your idea of creating a Feedback on our community page sounds great and might help other as well !


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