Auth0 SDK's Retry Mechanism on Rate Limit Error of Auth0 Management API


Many Auth0 SDKs (e.g., node-auth0, auth0-python etc) support using the management API to perform administrative tasks for the tenant.

The Auth0 SDKs make API calls to the management API behind the scenes.

  • For example, the users.update method of the node-auth0 SDK makes a request to the PATCH /api/v2/users/{user_id} endpoint behind the scene.

This article describes the Auth0 SDKs’ retry mechanism in a scenario where the management API’s rate limit is exceeded (429 status is returned).

Applies To

  • Auth0 ADK
  • Auth0 Management API
  • node-auth0 SDK
  • auth0-python SDK
  • auth0-java SDK
  • SDK
  • auth0-PHP SDK


The Auth0 SDKs implement the Exponential Backoff Retry mechanism if the management API rate limit is exceeded (429 status is returned).

Here are the details:

  • By default, 429 responses are retried three times
  • The maximum retries are configurable, between zero and ten. A value of zero results in no retries.
  • Retries are configured with an initial delay of 100ms, using an exponential backoff, up to a maximum of 1 second. A jitter factor of 0.2 is applied.

The retry mechanism is supported/added to the SDK after a specific version. Please check the CHANGELOG of each SDK for the minimum supported version: