Logging in to the web page using apple id from Facebook webview and cancelling on account choosing step crashes the webpage

we are using auth0 for our users authentification - we have react application so we use auth0-react library and loginWithRedirect method. In most of the cases users are redirected without any problem, but using safari and apple id sign in method user is not redirected but instead it has a popup opened to choose his/her apple id account. Which I think is okay and also works in most of the cases without a problem. But we noticed a strange issue - if user opens our page from facebook and it is opened in facebook webview, then selects apple id login method and when popup is opened user does not continue login process, but instead clicks on X icon and cancels the login - facebook webview crashes and user sees message “This page isn’t available at the moment”. Our application was behaving like this and also we tested many others that are using auth0 and its also crashing the same way, so we think it should be fixed on your side, not ours. (probably this kind of cancellation flow is not handled correctly) One of the applications as an example is chatGPT which crashed as well, but it happens only on facebook webview. I also tested different browsers and I noticed that on safari using computer request behaves a little bit strange - its kind of started on login with apple id login button click, but after cancelling it stays the same and is not actually fully cancelled- I think this facebook webview crashing may be related to that. I have some videos recorded on how it works, but it seems that they cannot be attached here, so I hope my explanation is enough.

Hi @e_puodziunaite

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I’ve contacted our Product Team to get more insight regarding this issue. I’ll update you as soon as I will have more details about that.

Thank you for reporting it!

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