I need to know if it’s possible to add a Marketing consent checkbox on Lock Signup Screen. I’ve seen that we can add custom text fields like name, lastname, etc, but nothing like checkbox. Using Auth0 sdk that opens the web view signin/signup you can configure the signup screen to add this checkbox but seems Lock sdk doesn’t this option.
is there any way to do this thing ?
There is a way to add a consent form with Lock :slight_smile
Please check the doc I provided and let me know if you have any other questions!
Hey there!
Have you had a chance to go through the docs I provided and develop something?
Friendly ping 
Were you able to implement that stuff?
Hi Konrad,
I checked your docs references but I need to add the marketing checkbox on sign up screen using the iOS Lock SDK .
I saw that your doc references is for web environments, right ? is there a way to add this checkbox on iOS ?
Gotchya! Let me check that and get back to you!
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Hi Konrad,
Do you have some news about that ?
thanks you 
Sorry for a short delay in response!
I basically discussed it with the SDK team and unfortunately it seems like there is a feature gap between our mobile and web SDKs for Lock.
You can submit it as a product request via our feedback site or if you have more development resources, code the UI yourself and then use only our APIs endpoints for handling authentication. Sorry for that!
Hello @konrad.sopala,
do you know if this feature has been added to the iOS SDK or if there are any plans of doing so in the near future?
Thank you!
Unfortunately it hasn’t and it’s not on the feature roadmap. I would suggest raising a GitHub issue in appropriate repo so that repo maintainers can directly see that. It would be great if you can share the link to the issue here as well.
Thank you @konrad.sopala for your answer.
As you suggested, I just opened an issue to the Lock.swift GitHub repository, you can find it here.
Thanks a lot for sharing it with the rest of community!
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