Link Accounts with Same Email Address
I incorporate email address & password authentication and Google, Facebook authentication into mobile applications.
Since I want users with the same mail address to be the same account, I set Rules of “Link Accounts with Same Email Address”.
However, there are cases where a problem occurs in the authentication flow.
The user launches the application and authenticates with Google.
The user used the application.
Next, the user authenticated with the mail address. -
Two user data with the same mail address are generated for Auth 0.
This is because the user has not verified the mail address yet. -
The user verified the e-mail address.
Suppose you have done one of the two following methods.
5-1. The user logs in using the mail address.
→ The user data when Google authentication is authenticated is merged with the user data generated by mail address authentication.5-2. The user logs in with Google authentication.
→ The user data generated by mail authentication is authenticated is merged with the user data generated by Google authentication.
I have developed my own server side application, and it saves the data based on the user ID of Auth0.
So I think that it is inconvenient for one user to disappear.
This is not a problem of Auth 0 but I think it is an issue on the authentication flow.
Is there a suitable implementation design for my issue?