Hi, is there a way to setup Auth0 to not create two different users on the database for the following situation:
User signup using a social connection
Later on, same user signup and use the same email address.
What I am trying to achieve is to have only one user on the Auth0 database. I don’t want to have two different user with the same email address.
Any guide on this will be really helpful.
Rebillia Dev Team.
Hi @RebilliaDev ,
Welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum!
You can use the account linking strategy. Demonstrated here:
Or follow this thread for a solution that uses a pre reg hook:
I currently am testing out Auth0 for potential use in my app, which does not allow duplicate emails.
However, I noticed that Auth0 allows duplicate emails to be signed up through different providers (ie, Google OAuth can sign in a gmail account, and then that same gmail can sign up through the email/password function).
I was wondering if there is any way I can prevent Auth0 from allowing this to happen when a user tries to sign up (I do not want to link accounts - I prefer to not have to modi…
It is up to you, but the account linking will let the user sign in with either option. For example, they can sign up with an email/password and then later sign in using google.
Hope this helps!
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October 4, 2019, 2:08am
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