I’m just getting started with the Laravel/Auth0 sdk and the quickstart is great, but is there full documentation somewhere that show all the methods available?
I’m just getting started with the Laravel/Auth0 sdk and the quickstart is great, but is there full documentation somewhere that show all the methods available?
Hey there @ben8, after looking I don’t see any full list of available methods for the project but you can find the repo here GitHub - auth0/laravel-auth0: Laravel SDK for Auth0 Authentication and Management APIs. . Is there a method you are specifically looking for? Thanks!
To add on to what @James.Morrison said … specific documentation on the methods is usually handled in the OSS repo itself (the one above). Something to note … the Laravel package mostly exists to just provide a connection from Auth0 to Laravel but one of it’s dependencies, our PHP SDK, has a number of helpful methods available. That repo is here:
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