Issues with Biometric authentication in iOS application


We are using Auth0 authentication for logging into our app and recently integrated Biometric authentication in iOS application (Auth0.swift: Touch ID / Face ID Authentication).

Some issues I came across are mentioned below:

  1. When the user installs the application and the user is asked for Touch ID/ Face ID access and if the user doesn’t allow it, the application is logged out automatically. On trying to login again and again it will not work. But if we kill the application and take it again, it will get logged in.

How can the user disable the access for Biometric authentication for the first time and enable it at a later stage?

  1. When the Touch ID/ Face ID is failed, it is not showing the option to enter the phone passcode manually. On tapping the ‘Enter password’ option, the app is getting logged out.

Is there any option to enter the passcode and make the user login if Biometric login fails?