Is it possible to reset the error_page to the default one after it has been modified?

Hi, is there a way to reset the error_page to the default one after it has been modified? We can currently easily do it for the login, password_reset and guardian_multifactor pages inside the Auth0 dashboard. I was wondering if there is a similar way for the error_page as well?

Hi @aikind ,

From your query, it seems that your tenant uses the Classic User Login Experience. For this feature, we can not set the error page to default. Please communicate your use case with our Product team via feedback.

If you want to consider switching to the New User Login Experience you can customize the login prompt (including the error page) or reset it to default.

Here are a few docs and FAQs regarding customizing the New User Login Experience, hope they can be helpful to your use case.


Hi @lihua.zhang,

I confirm I’m using the New User Login Experience. I’m using the auth0-deploy-cli for version control and changed the error_page, but now I want to restore it to the default one.

I tried some of the steps above to send a blank HTML template using the Auth0 Management API to reset it. But then when retrieving it, I’m getting a blank error_page, not the default one.

Do you have more specific instructions on how to retrieve the default error_page? For the login, password_reset and guardian_multifactor, it is just a click in the dashboard. But there does not seem to be a straightforward way to do it for the error_page?

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