Is Auth0 affected by the recent Okta Oct 2023 breach

Is Auth0 services/customers affected by the recent Okta breach? It’s not very clear on Okta’s website and I couldn’t find anything indicating Auth0 services/customers are not affected. Can someone confirm?

I was wondering this myself…

Hi all,

Thank you for your community inquiry. Impacted customers have been made aware. More information can be found on our Sec blog on the October security incident. Learn more.

Thank you,

If I interpret your statement correctly Auth0 is affected and the impacted customers have been notified. Is that the right interpretation?

Also, the blog says “The Auth0/CIC support case management system was also not impacted by this incident.” Is it referring to Auth0 support case management or Auth0 service? Can you clarify.


If you have any other questions about the incident, please open a support case. Thank you!

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