Hi all,
Thank you for your continued patience on this one! Please see the below response from our Engineering team:
Since the issues from a few different customers have been brought up, let’s distinguish those experiencing the following:
The issue seems to happen only when attempting a login/registration really fast after a fresh install of the app
If the user waits a few seconds, the issue does not happen
If your issue falls into the above scenario, please be aware that an Apple engineer has acknowledged the existence of an iOS bug regarding the verification of the Associated Domain. It should be fixed on iOS 18. See Bug: AASA file not fetched on app … | Apple Developer Forums
Please see if updating to iOS 18 solves your issue.
If your issue does NOT fall into the above scenario, it’s likely a matter of configuration/setup. Please make sure you:
- Have correctly set up the Associated Domain as described in GitHub - auth0/Auth0.swift: Auth0 SDK for Apple platforms
- If you’re using a custom domain, you have correctly set it up, both in the Auth0 dashboard and in the SDK configuration/setup.
- Are able to get it to work using the Auth0.swift sample app, as it’s been verified to work by us during the development of Auth0.swift 2.6.0. If you 1) are getting the error on the sample app and 2) it’s not the iOS bug scenario described above, it’s very likely to be either a configuration/setup issue, or the caching/Xcode debugging issue described here.
After you’ve verified all of the above, please confirm if the issue persists.
Mary Beth