Callback error issue when converting a web page into an app on the iOS home screen

Currently, we have an application using React version 16 with auth0-js to facilitate the authentication process with Auth0. The authentication mechanism involves cross-origin processes.

When allowing tracking on iOS, the authentication process works normally in both Safari and Chrome. However, the same does not occur when I add this app to the home screen as a PWA.

When performing the login, it immediately redirects to the callback route with the error message “server_error.”

In production, with a custom domain, everything works smoothly. However, in the testing and development environments without a custom domain (as it’s not cost-effective to have one for each environment), this issue occurs.

I’d like to understand if there’s any way to workaround this situation. I believe it’s a crucial point that needs to be addressed.

Hi @g.felippe5965,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Do you have any additional information you could share about the error? Code snippets, logs from your app or the Auth0 dashboard, and any other relevant details.

Please obscure any sensitive data.