iOS Application not recognizing Auth0 Associated Domain

I am converting an iOS app from using native login to using the universal login flow, following the steps provided here: Auth0 iOS / macOS SDK Quickstarts: Add Login to your iOS or macOS app

I have setup the callback URLs and verified that the webcredentials entry matches, as well as set up my provisioning profile with associated domains. Every step in the walkthrough matches what is asked for, but I continue to get the following error:

Error Code=1 "Application with identifier {MY_IDENTIFIER} is not associated with domain {MY_AUTH0_DOMAIN}. Using HTTPS callbacks requires Associated Domains using the `webcredentials` service type for {MY_AUTH0_DOMAIN}"

I have cleared derived data and tested on simulators and my personal device with the same result. At a bit of a loss on what to do next.

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Having the same issue, for iOS 17.4 onwards.

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:wave: @tylermills :sunglasses:

Would I be right in thinking you also posted about this on our GitHub repo for Flutter (see here)? Did you end up solving the problem? I’ve not specifically researched this issue, but Widcket’s comment - which is essentially related to information caching - would seem to make sense.

As mentioned, you can check the information Apple holds by visiting Typically, this should match the information provided by https://YOUR_AUTH0_DOMAIN_OR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN/.well-known/apple-app-site-association - i.e. the AASA file data hosted by Auth0. At least for the appID in question.

If there’s a mismatch, then it’s likely going to be in the domain name portion, and would typically be a result of switching from using the out-of-box Auth0 Domain Name to using a Custom Domain Name (or vice-versa). In essence, one domain is being used with Auth0, whilst the other has been cached by Apple.

According to the Apple Documentation, it looks like it’s possible to add associated domain entitlements; it also mentions that the Apple CDN will update periodically, so the problem would likely fix itself…eventually! :smile:

Another possible solution could be to delete the App definition and create a new one (with a new App ID). However, this would likely have a knock-on effect on your application - including the need to change the Application (Client) definition in Auth0.

I’d be very interested to know how you ended up solving the issue, so please feel free to post an update here when you have the chance and let us know how you got on. Cheers :sunglasses:

We too are having this problem on a regular basis. Sometimes it clears up, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it happens in the iOS Simulator, sometimes it only happens on iOS devices. I’ve checked Apple’s CDN and everything looks fine there. Unfortunately creating a new App ID is not really an option. As it happens we are not (yet) using custom domains, and we don’t use Flutter. Any other ideas @peter.fernandez ?

Hi @rick.pasetto, and welcome to the Auth0 Community! :sunglasses:

As I mentioned in my previous comment, I’ve not researched this issue specifically, however, here are a couple of things that spring to mind that would be worth checking (numbered for convenience of reference rather than any particular order):

  1. Have you checked to see that your application makes consistent reference to your Auth0 tenant Domain? For example, if you have a Custom Domain defined, then I would expect your iOS app to reference that Custom Domain consistently rather than switching between the Custom Domain and the default tenant domain at any point.

  2. What happens if you retry the operation that gets the error? Though I would’ve expected Apple to gracefully handle cache refresh syncs, you may be encountering some artefact that results in the information required being unavailable whilst a cache refresh occurs.

Feel free to post any response here in the thread, thus keeping me and the rest of the Community apprised of your findings :grin:

@peter.fernandez thank you for the thoughtful reply! To answer your questions:

  1. No, we are not using a Custom Domain, so that is not likely the culprit.
  2. Retrying the operation sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t. By the way, the operation I’m referring to is simply just logging in (or rather, starting the login process) via Auth0’s Universal Login.

Some other interesting data:

  • This happens regardless of whether the app is run in Xcode or built, signed and delivered to users
  • This happens on both debug and release builds
  • I saw in other places that adding a ?mode=developer to the webcredentials: associated domain URN is supposed to circumvent Apple’s CDN, but that didn’t work (Caveat to other readers: this might have been incorrect information in the first place, I don’t know)

The error we get is exactly the same as the one at the start of this thread.

What could be the cause?

We may have the same case like @suraj.pathak , only happens on simulator for iOS 17.4 onwards. checked on simulator iOS 17.2 , everything looks fine.
By the way, we switched to another account’s application recently. As we have not enrolled any Apple Developer Program, there is not any “Team ID” available at the moment and our “.well-known/apple-app-site-association” looks like below:
Not too suer this will cause the issue or not :thinking: