I have invited an admin to the Tenant Dashboard but they continue to be locked out whether I send an invite for a single app or all apps. I’m currently using the free subscription and trying to transfer the app over to the app owner.
The message they get says they aren’t allowed to view the info because they are not the account administrator.
Hi there @mortonanalytics, I would like to help you with this. When you get a minute can you please direct message me the user account details along with the tenants associated so we can get this to a point where it’s moving forward. Thanks!
To follow up @mortonanalytics, I would like to find out exactly what information they are unable to see. Upon investigation we found that both accounts (yours and theirs) are full admins so they should have full access to the entire application structure within the dashboard. Any additional details ranging from links to screenshots will allow us to further narrow down what may be occurring in this instance. Thanks in advance!
Thank you, @James.Morrison. Hayley sent me the screenshot:
She needs to be able to manage users rather than me at this point. Also, any education you can point my way is appreciated. I’d like to be able create these and pass them off to clients. I’ll be happy to pay for the service once I get some of this stuff figured out. Again, thanks for your help ~Ryan
The screenshot seems to have not taken the first time. I attempted to edit the message to show the screenshot. @James.Morrison
Thanks @mortonanalytics, I will relay this to the team and see what we can find!
@mortonanalytics in past instances it appears the next step would be removing the user entirely and recreating it again to see if the error persists. Once this has been performed and tested please let me know. Thank you.
I was hoping to follow up @mortonanalytics on the recreation of the user? Please let me know if you have any questions on this front. Thanks!
@James.Morrison, the client isn’t responding - I think two weeks to resolve the issue is a bit much for them.
I apologize for the length to resolution with this topic. However if you have any questions I can assist with please be sure to ask because I want to help.
It’s ok. I appreciate the help and follow-up. I sent a follow-up to my client as well.
To confirm, when I invite them to admin again, they should gain access to adding/managing users?
Once they are made full admins they should have access to everything related to the tenant 
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