Invalid callback url for react-native

Hi there,

I’m upgrading a react-native app’s auth0 from 2 to 3. I’ve followed the migration guide and I’m currently attempting to run the app on iOS, however when the auth0 window pops up, it claims that there is an invalid callback url. I’ve updated the callback url in auth0 and the app to have the .auth0 near the start. I’ve looked at the logs in auth0 and I can’t see what the issue is.

The callback url in both Auth0 and our app is essentially com.companyNameHere.auth0://etc/ios/placeholder/callback

When I look at the logs, I see this error:
Callback URL mismatch. com.companyNameHere.auth0://etc/ios/placeholder/callback is not in the list of allowed callback URLs

If I look at the payload in the logs it has the following:

"attempt": "com.companyNameHere.auth0://etc/ios/placeholder/callback",
        "authorized": [

I’m really not quite sure what the issue is here. Is there something else that I may be missing?

Thank you for the assistance.

Hi there. Thanks for your assistance, however I’ve ensured that there are no typos in terms of the callback url’s. In terms of the iOS Info.plist, I believe the url scheme config was meant to be {$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).auth0, is that correct? I’ve tried that with no luck. I don’t see any custom rules in the configuration of auth0.

Thank you for your time.

Ensure your callback URL matches exactly between your React Native app and Auth0. Add the correct URL to the “Allowed Callback URLs” in your Auth0 settings. Happy coding!