"callbacks" must be a valid uri error for React Native app

I created a new React Native app and although I had the callbacks listed correctly, I was getting an error that read:

unauthorized_client: Callback URL mismatch. com.ingridclockit://ingrid.auth0.com/android/com.ingridclockit/callback is not in the list of allowed callback URLs

I then removed everything in the callback URLs box under Application Settings on Auth0 portal and saved it so that I could have a fresh start.

Now, when I try to enter the callback URL as above, I get the following error. Any idea what’s going on here?

I’m trying to think whether it shouldn’t be:


instead? Is this one url?

It started to work. Not sure why. I think it really has to do with your portal.

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Perfect! Glad to hear that it’s working finally!

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