Internet Explorer and Edge cannot access my Auth0 domain


I’m having trouble authenticating with Internet Explorer and Edge: both fail to access my Auth0 profile. Edge gives an INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE error code while IE complains about an INET_E_INVALID_URL.

I’m using auth-js v9.5.1 in an Angular app. Everything works fine in Chrome/Vivaldi, Safari and Firefox.

The problem occurs right after I initiate the login procedure in my Angular app by calling auth0.authorize in my app, and clicking the account under Last time you logged in with on the pop-up. This sends me to https://<my-auth0-domain>.com/login/callback?state=<token> which Edge and IE fail to retrieve citing the errors above.

I’ve no idea where to begin debugging this. Does anyone have any thoughts and/or pointers?

Might be related to this confirmed and open edge issue (don’t know about IE):

The bug submitter did a lot of work getting details on what was going on in that case.

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Thanks for pointing that out! I’ll keep an eye on that thread and report back when/if it gets fixed.

Out of curiosity: is anyone else experiencing this problem? I can’t imagine I’m the only one…

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