Integrate Auth0 SSO with Tableau Server

I’m trying to create SSO Integration with Tableau Server using Auth0. I’ve referred the following document:

Here’s how I’ve configure SSO

  1. Login to Auth0 account at
  2. Navigated to Applications > SSO Integrations > Create SSO Integration > Tableau Server
  3. Added Callback URL, Audience, Recepient and Destination and Hit Save.
  4. Now I continued configuration over Tableau Server TSM > Configuration > User Identity & Access > Authentication Method
  5. There, I switched from Local Authentication to SAML
  6. Check the SAML authentication for server checkbox
  7. Added Tableau server URL
  8. Filler entity ID, certificate file and key file as provided by Auth0 under Tutorial tab.
  9. Uploaded the IdP metadata file which is provided by Auth0
  10. Specify assertion names
  11. Hit Pending changes and Restart Tableau

But after applying the changes, My tableau server degrades. Can anyone help me here?