IE11 - Universal Login rendering incorrectly

On IE11, the username and password textboxes are hidden under the header div. This was not the case yesterday. On digging deeper, I see this style being applied to the div that contains the textboxes:

.auth0-lock.auth0-lock .auth0-lock-content-body-wrapper {
padding-top: 10px;
margin-top: var(–header-height, 100px);

In Chrome and Edge, “header-height” is computed as 121px but in IE11 it is computed as 0px.

Our customers are mainly IE users and this is hurting us. What can we do to fix this?


This is an already known issue from our teams, and they are working on it.

In the meantime, we can recommend you to downgrade temporarily Lock to v11.23.

Thank you!

Thank you for the quick response. I hope this can be fixed quickly.

We are not using Lock - we are using Universal Login. Is there a temporary workaround for that?

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Universal Login uses Lock, so it would be the same temporarily solution.

Could you please go to your DashBoard > Universal Login > Login > Make sure:

  1. Your Customize Login Page toggle is on.
  2. You are using the correct version of Lock (v11.23).

Here is documentation about customizing your Login Page: Customize Classic Universal Login Pages

Thank you!


Thanks, I will try that.

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