Hubspot cookies do not persist past UL signup

I am using the Universal Login (UL) and have embedded the Hubspot tracking snippet on my marketing site, my UL and in the app. Hubspot cross domain linking is enabled.

Using Auth0 post-login action I am creating contacts in Hubspot after the user signs up in Auth0 + successfully authenticates for the first time.

The above works, the issue is the tracking information/cookies that Hubspot sets do not get carried all the way through. I am not able to to track which pages users visit before and after sign up.

I’m keen to get cookie tracking from start to finish to see what pages users view and also have cookie acceptance once (by Hubspot) across all the domains and have the acceptance logged in Hubspot.

I am also using a custom domain for Auth0. What options do I have to get the cookies/tracking persist?

Hi @anton.op

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

The issue might be that when you are trying to set the information/cookies which enable you to track them, the process does not get completed since it gets cancelled once the authentication process is finished. You can review this related topic from Hubsport.

Alternatively, you can implement a Form and attempt to set those cookies and wait for the form to be submitted until the tracking cookies are set as mentioned int he above post.

Otherwise, Auth0 does not have such a feature available regarding tracking, you would need to implement this through your application.

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a reply.

Kind Regards,

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