How to use Auth0 callbackUrls in vue.js without using mode: "history" in the router?

I’m having trouble getting Auth0 working with vue.js.

I followed the Vue.js setup directions, basically copying the example. It says it needs mode: “history”, but I’m hoping to get around this. Here are my problems:

Problem 1: I can access the login screen, login, logout, etc. just fine when I’m testing with npm start. When I build the program and then run it with a simple npm http-server the flow does not work.

Problem 2: I’d like to not use mode: “history” for the vue router, since I’m not wanting to change anything on the server, but I cannot seem to get it to work - there is something going on with the callbackUrl.

Any help would be appreciated!

Could you please elaborate on how the flow doesn’t work? Do you receive any errors and/or non-200 responses?

I’ve finally gotten my head around how everything is working. The key was instead of using the NPM package http-server to host the site, I needed the package http-server-spa. It allows you to setup the fallback file properly.


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