I’m new to Auth0 and I’m try to setup auth for an single page web app.
I have a basic log in working, but I would now like to setup Auth0 so multiple organization access the one tenant, but have different views on the same data. Each organization falls into a category and that will be one of the things that dictates the what their can view/edit. I plan on managing what data can be viewed by users in app, so I will need to know their organization, category and permissions. I haven’t looked into this yet but I don’t expect it too be that hard. I also want each organization to be able to manage their own users.
I’ve been reading through the docs and I can’t figure out how to set everything up for my scenario. Is this possible with Auth0? Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is providing a link to documentation I have missed.
Then, if the organization members need to manage their users, you could generate a token from an M2M application (with limited scopes) for the Management API to allow them to make requests to manage those users. Please refer to our Get Management API Access Tokens for Production documentation for this.