How to set up email verification

Hello everyone

I would like to know about Auth0 email authentication.

We are creating an e-commerce site and would like to enable social login.
We are using EC-CUBE4 as our platform.

When I do social login, I get an error like the one in the image.
I think that perhaps the email authentication settings may not be sufficient.

I have read the Auth0 documentation but could not quite understand it.

I would like to know what settings I need to make.

*Do I need to perform email authentication for users who try to log in?
*We would like to be able to authenticate Twitter and LINE

Hi @yosuke

Thank you for reaching out!
Auth0 does offer out-of-the-box Social login for both Twitter(X) and Line, for which you can find more information on this documentation. Generally, the social network provider is in charge of verifying the user’s email and managing their overall identity.
Looking through this, it does look like Twitter does not share the user’s email address, which might be a point to keep in mind. In regards to Line, during the setup on the General page, you will need to enable the option to retrieve the user’s Email address and then agree to Line’s Terms an conditions ( a link is available under the option to retrieve the Email).

Hope this helps!

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