How to know if there are more pages when making paginated management API requests

Is there a way to know if there are more than 50 items when calling the management GET endpoints with paginated requests?

What method would you suggest to call the enpoints and know you’ve got all the data?

All that comes to mind is calling the endpoint with per_page=50 and increasing the page parameter until an empty set is returned. Would be good to have a response field indicating there’s another page.

Hello, @kelsey1! Welcome back to the Auth0 Community.

We do have an include_totals boolean parameter that you can set to true, which will return the total number of results in your search in the result. That way, you can know, out of the box, how many pages of results you will have.

Let me know if this helps!

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Thanks! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

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Perfect! Thanks Jose for helping on this one!