How to use paging on Management API v2 requests

How to use paging on Management API v2 requests

Most endpoints that return sets of data from the API will return a maximum of 50 elements. To move beyond that, you’ll need to use paging. The page and per_page parameters let you specify the page number (zero-based index) and the number of items to return per page (up to a maximum of 100 items).

E.g. to return a list of users in a connection, you can use the GET /api/v2/users endpoint with a query that says q=identities.connection:my-connection:

GET /api/v2/users?q=identities.connection:my-connection

This query would only return the first 50 results, so it’s essentially behaving as if page was 0 and per_page had a value of 50. While this will still work, it’s better to make the application that is requesting this date “paging-aware”, and be explicit about paging. E.g. to get the first page, using a page size of 25 items:

GET /api/v2/users?q=identities.connection:my-connection&page=0&per_page=25

How to specify paging parameters from SDKs

Most SDKs provided by Auth0 support paging options. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version to get the newest features.


Include page and per_page in the params object:

// Pagination settings.
var params = {
  per_page: 10,
  page: 0

management.users.getAll(params, function (err, users) {

Example at

Go Auth0

Use .Page() and .PerPage() to specify the paging parameters. E.g.:

c, err := m.Connection.List(

Check auth0 package - - Go Packages for an example

Auth0 .Net

Methods that return multiple items take an instance of the PaginationInfo class, that lets you specify the pagination parameters.


var users = await _apiClient.Users.GetAllAsync(
  new GetUsersRequest(), 
  new PaginationInfo(0, 50, false));

Docs at Documentation

Auth0 Java

Use withPage when building a filter to specify paging information. E.g.:

UserFilter filter = new UserFilter()
    .withPage(1, 20);
Request<UsersPage> request = mgmt.users().list(filter);
try {
    UsersPage response = request.execute();
} catch (APIException exception) {
    // api error
} catch (Auth0Exception exception) {
    // request error

Example at GitHub - auth0/auth0-java: Java client library for the Auth0 platform

Auth0 Python

Specify the page and per_page parameters in methods that return many items:

auth0.connections.all(page=0, per_page=25)

auth0.users.list(page=0, per_page=25)

Auth0 Ruby

Add page and per_page in the @params:

    @params = {
      q: "email:*auth0*",
      fields: 'email,user_id,name',
      include_fields: true,
      page: 0,
      per_page: 50
    @users = auth0_client.users @params

See docs at File: README — Documentation for auth0 (5.10.0)

Supporting Documentation: