How to get registered user data from token in PHP API?

Hello, I have a problem that I don’t know how to solve, from the front I am using Angular in which I log in and it sends the token of the user who logged in to the PHP API in Bearer Token.

The problem is that I can’t get the data of the user who logged in. Now I show you an example of my code.

Esta es la configuracion que tengo, misma que en el front.

In the endpoint I make a function to obtain the token declared in the variable $token which I would have to use to obtain the user’s data, how could I obtain that data?

Thank you so much. I hope you can help me

Hi @federicoj.rodriguez,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

This example shows how to get the token in PHP:

You need to decode the token to see it’s claims. If this doesn’t solve it, please share an example token you are seeing (with sensitive data removed).


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