How to authenticate cypress in passwordless with magic link authentication

I’m looking for ways on how to authenticate web app for cypress test. The application only has passwordless authentication enabled. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Hi @mohsin_poc,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You could use the Authorization Code Flow to authenticate your web app with passwordless.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Thanks @rueben.tiow. Can you expand on how a Authorization code flow would help here if the client is SPA?

Hi @mohsin_poc,

If the client is a SPA, then you must use the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.


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@rueben.tiow just making sure i understand the solution. I setup a dummy app in auth0 with passwordless with email code.
When i hit the /authorize endpoint document in Authorization code flow. I’m presented with login screen. Entering the email would send a code to the email box. Now this is a problem, cypress does not have access to email box. what is the work around?

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Hi @mohsin_poc,

Thanks for the update.

You might be able to work around this by configuring a Test SMTP Email Server to capture and retrieve test emails from the passwordless login.


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