How do I view quota utilization for secondary tenants?

I have several tenants defined and in use, but when I navigate to one and select “Quota Utilization” from the tenant-picker dropdown, it always takes me to utilization for the very first tenant.

I want to see the stats for the other tenants as well, how can I do that?

Hi @mike.peck,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You should be able to select your subscription and view the quota utilization for your tenants by clicking on the Tenants drop-down menu on the Quota Utilization page:

Let me know if you have any trouble with this.


Hmm…I’m getting to the quota page by using the tenant-drop down like this:

When I click that, it opens a new tab (hurray!) and in that, it doesn’t look like you’re seeing:

and if I click on the subscription “drop-down” at the top, it brings up this:

if I go to the quota page from the accounts page ( and click on reports down the left side and then quota, it takes me to the same page above.

I might have been able to accept that it was a summary of all of my tenants (meaning it’s for the entire subscription), but it is not showing that; some of my tenants have much higher values than what are shown on this page.

I feel like I’m missing something, but am not seeing what it is.



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Hi @mike.peck,

Thanks for the reply.

I have looked into this and found that usage and quota reports are consolidated for Enterprise subscriptions, as mentioned here.

I also checked the quota utilization for each of your tenants, and they all show the same usage and quota utilization on my end, confirming that the usage is indeed consolidated.

I hope this helps!


Thanks Rueben, this does explain things. I’m surprised that I can’t see tenant-by-tenant information.

I guess I get to go to my sales team and ask why some of the tenant numbers aren’t higher!!! :slight_smile:


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