How do I redirect to another URL when using claimCheck?

I have the following code…

    oidc.claimCheck((req, claims) => {
        console.log(`The roles are ${JSON.stringify(claims)}`);
        return claims[""].includes("editor");
    (req, res)=>{
        // TODO: Add a new post
        res.send("Claim worked");

But in this case I would like to redirect to a specific url (in this case root /) when the user is unauthorized. This way it just redirects back to Auth0 site

Hey @jackiegleason, claimCheck does not have access to the response middleware, so you cannot redirect from within that. As a workaround, you can manually check the claims and redirect similar to this:

    (req, res)=>{
        if (req.oidc.user[""].includes("editor")) {
            return res.redirect("/");
        // TODO: Add a new post
        res.send("Claim worked");
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Thanks for sharing that @thameera with the rest of community!