I have read through this and I am trying to get a Auth Token for a test user using postman. I create the following GET…
It says it should return with a 302 including the code and that is how I remember it working but I can’t get Postman to show the response url it just says…
Found. Redirecting to /u/login?state=hKFo2SBud1JHN0lETU9ENW9FM0R2WXA4U1JLZ1dQb3RzbWQ3WKFur3VuaXZlcnNhbC1sb2dpbqN0aWTZIEpFZ2doZEY3Y2xEY3hRaFd4UUFnRGM4OEM5SXI3NWUxo2NpZNkgT0NHT2k5eFZNSDlYa3NjV2VpSXlCVFJ2Y3c4cTUxcEI
So I try to use a browser, the browser shows the URL so I can get the code. I can then use the code to get an access token. But once I get the access token and include it in a header like…
Bearer 5J2FYbpYWbh9iixZ-k6PaWOxXm09fasd
It still tries to redirect me to the login. What am I missing?
I can’t get the code from the url using postman
I can get an access token but when I try to use it I get a 403
What is the proper way to do get a token for a test user?